Thanks for saying it. Climate religion will finish this country.

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You write as if climate was actually as important as the Democrats make it. The US has had regulations in place that require our air and water to be cleaner than anywhere else in the civilized world. The pollution we suffer comes from India and China, both of whom use coal for energy, and who pollute heavily. Anyone who saw the smog in China during their Olympics knows what climate is like there. So until the rest of the world enacts and enforces climate regulations at least as restrictive as the US, we should do no more than we do now.

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It is, but in reverse. Anthropogenic warming is somewhere between all and mostly nonsense, and none of the Dem solutions are helpful. But those solutions will cost us trillions and punish our economy. We need Republican leaders who will call out the fraud.

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Trump refused to answer too many questions. It was a bad look and could hurt him around the margins, not by people who will now vote for Biden but by people who won't be motivated to vote. Trump seemed way overcoached, indicating that he was actually probably nervous about the thing

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Agree on over-coached and canned.

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